Rich Dad’s CASHFLOW Quadrant is a guide to financial freedom. It’s the second book in the Rich Dad Series and reveals how some people work less, earn more, pay less in taxes, and learn to become financially free.
CASHFLOW Quadrant was written for those who are ready to move beyond job security and enter the world of financial freedom. It’s for those who want to make significant changes in their lives and take control of their financial future.
Robert believes that the reason most people struggle financially is because they've been spent years in school but were never been taught about money. Robert’s rich dad taught him that this lack of financial education is why so many people work so hard all their lives for money… instead of learning how to make money work for them.
This book will change the way you think about jobs, careers, and owning your own business and inspire you to learn the rules of money that the rich use to build and grow their wealth.
from reading the best book you can get your hands on if you trying to make the transition of figuring out what to do with a small savings account, or large for that matter. This book is invaluable to anyone looking for layman's terms on how to understand money. I am a multi-million dollar selling real estate agent selling property to investors every month. This book taught me information that I did not before understand, but is helping me help my clients and myself more. For anyone who is having a hard time making the transition from saver to invester, this IS THE BOOK. The March 16th and March 28th reviewers are those types of people who find no joy in their own accomplishments, therefore need to trash others. This author teaches you basic, sound principles that you can actually put in to action. The Millionaire Next Door is a theory book about how the 'Jones's' are simiply looking good while they are in debt. While also a great book, it does not teach you principles that you can actually put to use. Cash Flow Quadrant and Wealth Without Risk by Charles Givens are two of the best books in helping you put your desires in to actual steps with instructions and 'how to's'. They may be boring to the EXTREMELY experienced investors, but for us normal folks its the best resource I've read yet. My bookshelves are lined with 'kindling' to use in the fireplace, but this one is a keeper!
You have to think macrohistorically -- about phases of civilization like the Greeks, the middle ages, the Enlightenment, and the information age -- to really comprehend this book.The identification and explicit explanation of passive income, and the four modes of Life (the quadrant) changes -- has changed -- the world.Kiyosaki's fable of Rich Dad Poor Dad is the exact Jungian vehicle to introduce these concepts to civilization.The only people who don't read, or don't "get" this book -- are poor people."Poor" in the sense that they simply have no understanding of money, and (hence usually) have no money.In 100 years, "money" and all economic concepts of work, wealth, social interaction, will be completely different from today's paradigm.The start of it all, is this book.
This would have to be the most inspirational book I have ever read! It opened up my eyes to the real world of business and finance. After I read this book I did not want to go back to work. Anyone who is disenchanted with his/her 9 to 5 job must read this book. You will never look back!
This is the second installment in the "Rich Dad" trilogy. It carries the same basic messages as Rich Dad, Poor Dad, but it expounds on the thoughts in the first book.This book talks primarily about the 4 ways people earn money, as an employee, a small business owner (a day job you happen to own), as an investor/owner of businesses you do not have to run, and investments.The author explains each category of earnings, and what the pros and cons are of each. As in the first book, it is written conversationally, and is very easy to stay with.There are some exercises - and they made some lights come on for me. After reading about each of the four quadrants, he asks you to place the people you spend the most time with in each category. This isn't an exercise in berating your friends and family, but an eye-opening look at the people who heavily influence your life. All of the sudden you're looking at your friends (or yourself/family) and their expensive toys, and you start to realize keeping up with the Jones's isn't all it's cracked up to be.As with book 1, this book can provide you with insight that can change your financial life - if you are open to it and allow it to happen. I recommend this book as a jumping-off point. You should be able to gain enough insight from this to help you see a future path for yourself and your family.If you approach this book with an attitude of "I want to break the financial pattern I'm in. I want to derive income from somewhere other than my job." then you are sure to gain from this book.There are no "magic wands" here. If you think all of your problems will be solved by this or any book on personal finance I recommend you save your money - you'll need it !!!!
This is the first book that has clarified and shed light and direction to where we are and why some of us in the world look for and behave the way we do. This is an inspirational book for those who are disillusioned with their direction, why we sometimes struggle in life and don't seem to get the riches in life that we so desire. This is a must for those who want some clarity in their lives but more importantly, the book, based on the quadrant helps us to understand and identified ourselves and bring out the desire to where we want to go and head towards.